Thursday, March 27, 2008

Crooks and Liars » Chelsea Clinton Smacks Down Butler Univ. Student: Lewinsky “None Of Your Business”

Crooks and Liars » Chelsea Clinton Smacks Down Butler Univ. Student: Lewinsky “None Of Your Business”

OK, I'm anything but a fan of Hillary or Bill Clinton at this point, but this question was dumb, inappropriate and Chelsea Clinton handled it with way more class than I would have.

Sure, Chelsea Clinton is an adult who has made the decision to go out on the campaign trail and shill for her mom, but that doesn't mean she should be barraged with this type of nonsense. And "the Republicans will bring it up in November" is no better an excuse here than it is when people float innuendo about Obama being a muslim.

The best comment I saw at Crooks and Liars was one to the effect that "it's none of your business" was the way her father should have handled questions about his extracurricular sex life ten years ago. If only...


bjkeefe said...
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bjkeefe said...

Agree it's a dumb question.

Disagree that Chelsea should be any more exempt from dumb questions than anyone else out there working for a campaign. Not that there's any excuse for the dumb questions, but that's just how the game is played. It's a question of fairness: Once you stipulate that some people associated with a campaign should be subject to these questions, why should she get a free pass to spread what could be viewed as propaganda or misleading advertising?

Strongly agree that Bill Clinton should have said, "None of your business," and left it at that.